mtel (1)
Studying for the MTEL
Becoming a Massachusetts teacher takes more than caring about children, graduating from college, or knowing your subject matter. To become a certified teacher in Massachusetts you must...
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Math in Real Life (MIRL)
Math teachers know that providing real world context for mathematical concepts is so important for student engagement and understanding. Students focus and retain information better...
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Mindfulness Benefits Teachers and Students
There is no denying that one of the major issues facing students today is STRESS!  Students are experiencing stress at levels never seen before in history. One in every 10 preschoolers...
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FOCUS by Mike Schmoker
In his book FOCUS, Mike Schmoker argues that focusing on what is essential (instead of continuing to adopt new methods for school improvement) will decrease the achievement gap. He...
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Art Education: Incorporating the Arts into the Social Studies Classroom Post #3
Lesson Plan Samples: Through my research on Art Education, I have become a strong proponent of incorporating the arts into the classroom, and have tried to do so whenever possible...
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Grading Smarter, Not Harder
The book Grading Smarter, Not Harder: Assessment Strategies That Motivate Kids and Help Them Learn by Myron Dueck contains lots of great ideas about grading. Some of these ideas may...
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Origami in Mathematics
All of mathematics is built upon a solid foundation of fundamental mathematical facts. These building blocks allow subsequent ideas to be hypothesized and in many cases proven, adding...
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Art Education: Incorporating the Arts into the Social Studies Classroom Post #2
Research and Literature Review Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE) is a theory that developed out of the 1960’s when educators and writers began to see art education as its own...
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Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program
College is expensive. Luckily there are programs that can help to mitigate the cost of an education, and I am here to talk specifically about teacher loan forgiveness. Federal Student...
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A Cultural Approach to Class Analysis in ELA
Last year, in a writing conference conducted over Zoom, a student confessed in her college essay draft that she’s “always been afraid to tell people about where [she] lives.” She went...
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Teacher Licensure: A Program Off the Traditional Path
Some people know from the start that they want to work in education. Maybe they had a teacher whose passion for their subject was so influential, and they want to spread the love of...
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A Reflection on the Grading of Student Achievement
A Reflection on the Grading of Student Achievement Several years ago, I read a young adult fictional novel that I think every teacher and school administrator would find useful to read,...
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